To lean into our world and look at it closely, in fragments. Focus on a point of detail and draw a universal message from it. Looking as a naturalist, with human eyes, at the fragility of a world. This is the role of the artist.

Gérard Rancinan is keen to be this witness to our ephemeral lives and the traces we leave behind. With a concern for sincerity, he transposes observed realities into scenes. Is only borrows from contemporary society, its agitations, its excesses, its contradictions and he observes them with humor and impertinence. He touches with his finger this human fragility which would so much like to surpass itself, but which very often loses its feet. Modest in his words, he never sets himself up as a judge, he says things with an empathy that characterizes his work, which looks towards the fragility of the world. The forgotten, the marginalized, the sassy, ​​the wandering souls, the paradoxes… these figures are also the strength of our time; they push ideas; they are a mirror to our certainties, our arrogance; they alert us to our precariously balanced nature. The photographic work of Gérard Rancinan is a proposal; a particular look. It is a burst of life and a fact of consciousness. It bears witness to responsibility. That of forever memorizing a moment of life, a universal testimony for eternity.


Caroline Gaudriault