Photographer, sculptor, painter, artistic director, the famous director of Emmanuelle is a man of records. Thirteen years of programming on the Champs-Élysées for the film that revealed the sublime Sylvia Kristel and 500 million spectators in the world. At the Francophone Film Festival in Ottawa, his feature film The Last Romantic Lover has achieved the best audience in Canada for a French film. A success of which he is proud, but which represents a tiny part of his career.


"I need to change my life every ten years," he says. Far from him the thought of freezing, of living on his achievements. "Being young in the '60s was not always easy - I left at the age of 18 to go to war in Algeria - but the time was endless. Everything was new. Nothing was cloisonné. One could practice a thousand trades. It was enough to have ideas and energy.


For this epicurean, "life is made of challenges, projects". His career as a painter and sculptor is a beautiful page of his life. First of all, that of her meeting with Anne, a former professional dancer: the passion of the lady for sculpture has awaken in Just a talent put to sleep.